Sirkka Health

Sirkka is a SAAS platform for independent healthcare practitioners and small clinics to manage appointments & admin tasks and increase customer base, PLUS a ‘prime delivery’ team of nurses/phlebotomists delivering diagnostic tests on behalf of the healthcare providers to people’s homes, on-site or workplace. Sirkka’s clients and their customers can book online and receive test and imaging results in their individual secure portal.

Some popular tests are listed below. For more information, please visit their website by clicking here, call 3300 882538, or email

 Sirkka is the Official Health Partner of the British Bobsleigh & Skeleton Association.

Standard Health Screening


Our standard health screening blood test provides >60 results including full blood count, kidney and liver function, heart health, diabetes, gout, calcium and iron. It can flag potential health issues or monitor existing conditions.

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Heart Health


Heart disease remains the #1 cause of death worldwide. Whilst there are many ways to keep your heart healthy, you can’t change certain risk factors, such as family history, gender or age. Thankfully there are still many ways you can reduce your risk of heart disease. For example, managing diet, physical activity, not smoking, BMI, blood pressure, lipid levels, etc.

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Gut Health (Self-collection)


Our Gut Health package includes 2 key tests: Calprotectin test and Quantitative faecal immunochemical test (qFIT)

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Iron Panel


Iron deficiency is a lack of iron in your body mainly due to decreased dietary intake, reduced absorption, or blood loss. Lack of iron may lead to iron deficiency anaemia, where your body’s stores of iron drop too low to support normal red blood cell…

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Thyroid Screening


Our thyroid screening looks at the levels of TSH, T3 and T4 via a blood test. This screening aims to identify any issues of hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism or the effectiveness of long-term thyroxine medication.

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Male Hormone Screening


This profile will give the overview of your key reproductive male hormones. It will outline whether you have any hormone imbalances, determine why you are experiencing symptoms like decreased sex drive, muscle mass or fertility.

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Female Hormone Screening


Our female hormone profile screening test includes FSH, LH, oestradiol, progesterone, prolactin and testosterone. This can reveal information about general health, hormonal imbalances and can also be used as a pre-fertility check.

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PLAC is a blood test used to detect lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2) for the assessment of coronary heart disease and stroke risk in people with or without existing conditions.

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Calprotectin (Self-collection)


Calprotectin is a protein that is used as a biomarker of inflammation within the intestines, with higher levels of calprotectin representing higher levels of inflammation. Calprotectin is found naturally in cells called neutrophils.

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qFIT (Self-collection)


QFIT, or Quantitative Faecal Immunochemical Test, quantifies the amount of blood in the stool and is performed using specific antibodies against human haemoglobin.

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HIV & Syphilis


HIV, or the human immunodeficiency virus, is a virus that damages the cells in your immune system and weakens your ability to fight everyday infections and disease.

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Cancer markers


Cancer cells possess (or have certain levels of) very specific markers that healthy cells do not have. To assist in the detection, diagnosis, and monitor of cancers (or other diseases), finding and measuring these cancer markers have an important role.

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One platform for quick & easy access to your healthcare
Price: on their website
Tel: 03300 882538
Sirkka is a SAAS platform for independent healthcare practitioners and small clinics to manage appointments & admin tasks.

Sirkka offers the following treatment at Salus Wellness in Cambridge:
