Cambridge Thai Massage

Thai massage is an antient system of massage and assisted stretching developed in Thailand.


The massage can be done solo The receiver may be positioned in a variety of yoga like positions during the course of the massage, but deep static and rhythmic pressures form the core of the massage.

The massage practitioner leans on the recipient’s body using hands and usually straight forearms locked at the elbow to apply firm rhythmic pressure. The massage generally follows the Sen lines on the body—somewhat analogous to meridian lines. Legs and feet of the giver can be used to fixate the body or limbs of the recipient. In other positions, hands fixate the body, while the feet do the massaging action. A full Thai massage session typically lasts 60 mins or more, and includes rhythmic pressing and stretching of the entire body; this may include pulling fingers, toes, ears, cracking the knuckles. There is a standard procedure and rhythm to the massage, which the practitioner will adjust to fit each individual client.

How can I make a booking?

Call Salus Wellness now for a free initial consultation, 01223 300 222.

Where is your Cambridge Thai Massage Massage Clinic?

The clinic is based within Salus Wellness at Norman House Cambridge Place CB2 1NS, about 10 minutes walk from the Cambridge Train station.

Thai Massage
Price: Range from £65
Antient system of massage and assisted stretching developed in Thailand.

Thai Massage is offered at Salus Wellness in Cambridge by the following practitioner:

Yumi Matsumoto